Our goal is to be your personal sommelier-providing reviews and other fun content to help you with your wine selections
I did it!! For the last 18 months I have been studying for my Certification in Internal Audit. The certification has three parts in total. Parts 1 and 2 I passed pretty quickly but then life happened. I started a new job and focused my energy on finding my footing there instead. Well, if I am being completely honest, I was intimidated too. Part 3 is a 2 hour juggernaut that covers a wide range of topics such as governance, risk management, IT, business continuity, financial and managerial accounting to name a few.
In July, I decided to buckle down and began a regimented study schedule. I mean, I missed a lot of summertime fun but I knew I had to get this done (No Sunday fun days for me). I spent 4 hours a night Monday-Thursday reading and summarizing chapters. The weekends were spent doing chapter quizzes, reviewing flashcards and re-reading content. Let's just say I didn't get much sleep preparing for this exam. There were set backs of course. IT lingo made no sense-WAN, LAN, no thank you ma'am lol. But I stuck with it. I pushed myself even with information that certainly wasn't in my wheel house. On Saturday, October 21st in the year of our Lord 2017 (ok that's extra but I've always wanted to type that somewhere so, deal lol), I walked out of that Pearson Vue testing facility and I felt so accomplished. I did exactly what I set out to do. That feeling is so amazing.
I have to give a big shout-out to my tribe- my family, friends, even co-workers who held me accountable to complete this task. They checked in on me when I would MIA for weeks and made sure I was sticking to my schedule. Having a great group of people around you does wonders-I don't think I can stress that enough.
So now, I will be posting on a regular basis (YAY!!). I have so many ideas and things coming up on the site and I hope you come along for the ride. Iām contemplating a WSET certification next. If you have WSET certification, I would love to chat with you. Shoot me an email!